2021.12 Dyno Control Update
Besides changes and new features in new dyno software, our latest version includes "forced coast-down" controlled by an eddy-current brake and calibrated via tensometer. It vastly speeds up measurements.
The new AI card can run with high, 16-bit accuracy of analogue inputs (older version - 12bit). Updated pickup of roller's speed and position enables better accuracy. We have added a forced PID readout steady PID readout. Besides sBox compatibility (AFR via USB), we have added an Arduino ComBOX. ComBox can read four analogues 0 - 5V channels and one RPM channel, designed for Garrett turbine RPM sensors (Badger 5 Ltd from the United Kingdom uses it).
Steady-state and road simulation PID parameters can be freely changed, and setups can be recorded and quickly switched.
External libraries can be added according to customers' needs and thus - connect the dyno system to other systems, like standalone ECU or external exhaust gases analyzer. As an example of such a feature, a "boost" library is added.
All data can be, of course, recorded on the chart and in the database.
As before, our dyno control system is our proprietary solution, and it has free lifetime updates and after warranty customer care.
We will present a complete manual for this update soon.